The Ironbridge story
In 2020, we agreed on the need for a purpose-built environment to launch Revolution Very Light Rail (RVLR). The Ironbridge site was ideally suited to achieving our vision of showcasing RVLR in a typical line reopening context.
The speed and cost-effectiveness of establishing the Ironbridge demonstration site was made possible by combined effort from TDI and Eversholt Rail, working together with industry partners. We completed the facility in less than six months, illustrating the rapid deployment that a very light rail solution can achieve compared with heavy rail. The total cost to establish the demonstration site was less than £400k. This included a new platform, maintenance facility and a marketing suite that is readily adaptable to a station role.
Ironbridge has been a real success story for RVLR. We continue to use the facility to promote RVLR and develop commercial interest as well as testing key technologies that could form part of future RVLR vehicle and infrastructure requirements.
Rapid Deployment

Track inspection completed

Marketing and maintenance buildings ordered

Platform and buildings construction completed

Safety Management System implemented

Ironbridge site launched with Ministerial visit

Stakeholder demonstrations commenced

all year
Further stakeholder demonstrations

Following the planning application and site design work during the second half of 2020, track inspection took place in February 2021 and remedial works were completed in August 2021.
Following the planning application and site design work during the second half of 2020, track inspection took place in February 2021 and remedial works were completed in August 2021.

The galvanised steel platform was completed in June 2021. This all-weather structure is adjustable and suitable for permanent use. It can also be used for temporary event-based passenger traffic.
The galvanised steel platform was completed in June 2021. This all-weather structure is adjustable and suitable for permanent use. It can also be used for temporary event-based passenger traffic.

Maintenance Building
Maintenance Building
The building was completed in June 2021, accommodating RVLR when it is not in operation and providing an on-site maintenance facility for the vehicle.
The building was completed in June 2021, accommodating RVLR when it is not in operation and providing an on-site maintenance facility for the vehicle.

Marketing Suite
Marketing Suite
The marketing suite is used to host RVLR stakeholder events. The building was completed in June 2021 and has been in regular use since then. It could be adapted to other roles such as a station building.
The marketing suite is used to host RVLR stakeholder events. The building was completed in June 2021 and has been in regular use since then. It could be adapted to other roles such as a station building.
Stakeholder visitors
“The space is very open and not at all restricted, it is easy to turn in. I like the USB ports in the wheelchair space because this isn’t always a feature in other modes of transport. Revolution VLR is a lot more welcoming and brighter than other trains that I normally travel on.”

Group Leader and Wheelchair skills trainer at Back Up“VLR is new technology that offers a glimpse into the railways of the future. This low cost, low emission transport might be the sort of thing you see in your town in years to come.”

Chris Heaton-Harris MP
Former Rail Minister“The fold up armrests on the seats are good because they allow wheelchair users, if they are able to transfer onto the train seats. I like that. This journey on Revolution VLR was very smooth and comfortable for me in my wheelchair. I find buses are more bumpy and the ride can be uncomfortable when they accelerate or stop, I did not feel this on Revolution VLR.”

Mentor at Back Up: C6 Spinal Cord Injury“RVLR is certainly an impressive vehicle, and I can see it having a big impact on local transport systems in the future.”