Revolution VLR presentation to IMechE Railway Division Midlands Centre
We are delighted to share insights from the recent presentation by Tim Burleigh, Head of External Relations at Eversholt Rail, at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Railway Division Midlands Centre meeting on Wednesday 13th September. Tim’s presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the Revolution Very Light Rail (RVLR) vehicle, highlighting its groundbreaking features, testing to date and future plans, as well as outlining the whole-system benefits that its deployment can provide.
Engaging with the IMechE Railway Division
The Railway Division of the IMechE is noted for its proactivity and comprehensive series of events, technical presentations and visits, organised both on a national and regional basis. The RVLR team has established a strong working relationship with the IMechE Railway Division and in 2022 we were delighted to host the Annual Technical Tour group at Ironbridge in May, with Tim also giving a presentation at the North West Centre event in November.
IMechE Railway Division events usually attract a diverse audience, ranging from young professionals launching their careers to experts actively engaged in railway operations, together with retired Railway Division members whose vast knowledge of past rolling stock and other projects provides valuable perspectives and balance. The post-presentation question and answer session is always a highlight for the RVLR team and informal discussion often extends well past the planned finish time!
Mutual Benefits
The RVLR team values immensely the continuing opportunity to share with enthusiastic rail professionals our RVLR achievements and future plans. The very positive feedback we have received after visits and presentations indicates that this is equally appreciated by the IMechE teams. Raising stakeholder awareness of RVLR’s capabilities and potential to enhance connectivity, passenger experience and cost-effectiveness is particularly important at this stage in the programme, and the IMechE Railway Division events provide us with an excellent opportunity to do this.
After the 13 September presentation Tim commented,
"As always, it was a great pleasure and privilege to present to a large, knowledgeable and enthusiastic audience, who raised very insightful questions and observations based on extensive industry experience and a real desire to learn more about RVLR."
We look forward to further fruitful collaboration and knowledge-sharing as we continue to revolutionise the future of rail.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments from our side!
To know more about RVLR, please contact us here or subscribe to Very Light Rail newsletter