RVLR at UK Light Rail Conference 2023
Tuesday 11 July 2023 to Wednesday 12 July 2023
Eversholt Rail and Transport Design International are proud sponsors of the UK Light Rail Conference 2023 being held in Gateshead. Join us to hear from Darren Smith, Group Commercial Director, Transport Design International and Tim Burleigh, Head of External Relations, Eversholt Rail.
Find us throughout the two day event at our exhibition stand outside Hall A. Details of Darren and Tim’s presentations and discussions being held in Hall A are below:
Tuesday 11 July
12.30pm Transport Design International: Innovations in Urban VLR
Darren Smith: Group Commercial Director, Transport Design International
WEDNESday 12 July
3:15pm Revolution VLR – The Future is Very Light Rail
Tim Burleigh: Head of External Relations, Eversholt Rail
3.40pm How do we move Very Light Rail forward in the UK? – PANEL DISCUSSION
Panel host: Colin Walton: Mainspring
Tim Burleigh: Head of External Relations, Eversholt Rail
Darren Smith: Group Commercial Director, Transport Design International
Mike Smith: Programme Director, Network Rail
David Sexton: Rail Investment Strategy Manager, Department for Transport
Elaine Clark: CEO, Rail Forum
Bridget Eickhoff: Principal Infrastructure Engineer, RSSB
Johan Haveland: CEO, Asistobe